Test Page Example Post
This is just a test example post.
This is just a test example post.
売上高:7,300万円 (2019年度)
取引銀行:三井住友銀行 小石川支店
One of our client was running the media like QUORA but that media was available only for the doctors. The intention here was to get a kind of aggregate intelligence, so the doctors can ask any technical question on that media so that he/she might be able to get answer from other doctors who have different expertise. Ultimately, the campaign objective was to make doctors subscribe that professional media.
In Japan, we have some around 300,000 doctors at the moment. This number is obviously quite small compared to all internet user volume in Japan which is more than 100,000,000. Thus, we need following targeting method implemented on these campaigns.
For this kind of campaigns, it is know that offline activities such as some referral program is better than digital but we had a competitive performance (the cost per each subscriber acquisition) compared to those offline campaigns. The efforts of optimization is still on-going.
Hi there! It is extremely hot in Tokyo now. They say it’s around 35 degree celsius but I can’t believe normal human can actively walk around the town under this burning air. Let’s start today’s lesson anyways!
When I was working for British digital agency named “Essence Digital”, I experienced the launch of new legal entity. Believe the people in headquarter (UK) were using Deloitte globally to manage local entities of all over the globe, but using that kind of accounting/consulting firm is always quite expensive. They can especially charge the very expensive price when you want every report in English. The process to make legal entity is something like following.
The whole process above takes some around 3-4 weeks. Asking a judicial scrivener to make a TEIKAN document is so expensive (typically, JPY 150,000) that you should avoid it. I got a copy of approved TEIKAN from my friend and then just modified it as needed. TEIKAN is basically something defines the way you handle your company’s stock and the operational rules of your company’s board meetings.
Japan’s law changed in 2017 and they finally started accepting the foreigner’s directorship over Japan’s legal entity but due to the troublesome work listed above, you probably need to get help from local agency when you want to set up a local legal entities.