by admin | Jan 29, 2020 | Media Industry in JP, My Work History
Target the people in specific location?
If you want to be “innovative” in online advertising, it might be tempting to use geo-IP based targeting technology depending on your campaign objectives.
Some Options Available in the market
OK. Here we have several options when you want to run geo-IP based tarketing promotion. “X-locations” is spinned off from the global player named “Near” back in 2017. I believe it was MBO (management buy-out). Because their data still come from Near Pte, Ltd. they have strong audience data all-over the east asia. Thus, you can target the Chinese, Honkonese, or maybe Korean people who is visiting Tokyo or anyother cities by using their data. That geographic IP data is something they are getting from the bid-request, it is not as accurate as WiFi data. Please note that when you use the locations data, the most accurate data is WiFi data followed by the bid-request data.
Softbank also has some presence in this field
Softbank is one of Japan’s biggest MNO (mobile network operator) and agressively collecting the user’s data for the advertisers. Because their data is based on WiFi usage, the accuracy of the data is high.
Arrange the KPI for the geo-IP targeting promo
Basically when you do that kind of campaign, we assume that you would like to make purchase happen at the offline venues (stores). If the conversion of the campaign was a purchase event that happens offline, your measurement strategy is really important to evaluate the performance of the campaign. Here is how that measurement strategy works.
Measure the effectiveness of the campaign by using “Foot-fall report”
By utilizing the tracking capability of the geo-IP type of the media, we can find out which location actually those users have visited. By appying this technology, we can find our the “foot-fall” of both of following GROUPs.
1). the users who have been exposed to the adverts (a.k.a. “Exposed group”)
2). the users who have NOT been exposed to the adverts (a.k.a. “Controled group”). When you measure the uplift of the footfall of the exposed group, you can successfully find out how effective your campaign has been performing.
For more information, pls subscribe to our LI page!
by admin | Jan 28, 2020 | Media Industry in JP
How to promote your online shop effectively in Japan or other APAC regions?
It is a very basic question everybody have when they come to this market. Although there are several options to advertise your website, the affiliate network is definitely something you can test out first if you prioritize the performance of your conversion campaign.
Want to stick to Google ads or Facebook ads?
Well, Google ads or Facebook Ads are okay, but if you want performance, it is a tough game unless you have very strong keywords in Google SEM (search engine marketing). Facebook has some strong feature that is named “FB coupon offer” where you can provide the coupon code discount for the users by linking your platform (such as Woo Commerce) with Facebook Ads, but even with coupon offer, most likely you can not achieve better ROAS (return on ad spend) than the affiliate networks.
Strong Affiliate Network in JP that You Can Test First
“A8 affiliate network” is definitely one strong candidate you can test out first. Here is how it works.
- Normally, the affiliates in A8 netowrk are getting some around 10% of the “website purchase” amount . However, if you have significant brand awareness, it works even with 7% of sales price.
- In some cases, client can collect more than 1,000 applications from the affiliates in the first month but no worries! A8 automated screening algorithm can filter out bad affiliates by checking their past achievements. Thus, no much workload expected:)
- Client can have our own guidelines regarding affiliate’s campaigns. (e.g. NO Google Adwords SEM because it will be done by in-house agents) This should work well to keep brand sagety.
Hope this would remove some of your worries around the online promotion in Japan. For more questions, please inquire us from the LinkedIn page of ORANGEFOX!
by admin | Jan 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
売上高:7,300万円 (2019年度)
取引銀行:三井住友銀行 小石川支店
- Sariel Limited (ニュージーランド)
- ニッポン放送株式会社
- 株式会社アドウェイズ
- 東京衛生アドベンチスト病院(旧「東京衛生病院」)
by admin | Jan 24, 2020 | Diary
Wakabadai city is easily accessible from the center of Shibuya but very quiet and luxurious residence area that is known by only a few Tokyo native citizens.
Yesterday, we walked around Wakabadai and discovered such an amazing building that is not similar to its neighborhood.
by admin | Sep 2, 2019 | My Work History
The Challenges Religious Organization Faces
Because there is a tight regulation imposed on the religious organizations by the government, we have to prepare for the following things to make it happen.
- Presence of your local organization and its “corporate registry document” (In Japanese, Toukibo-Touhon)
- The promotion over the radio is known as an effective approach when we consider the awareness improvement, but the total time-slots that is sponsored by religious organization must be less than 2% of that stations’s all broadcast time of the month.
In order to let your promotion run on the publishers (e.g. Radio Stations), your organization needs to go through media’s screening processes. On that process, your organization must submit the corporate registry documents of your registered local organization.
Also, there is another regulation imposed on the publisher side related to the promotion of the religious organization. The total broadcast time of the religious organization-sponsored program must be less than 2% of all the broadcast time of that applicable station.
Restrictions on The Content
When your organization works with the radio stations to run your promotions, there is also some restrictions on your program itself and also the “commercial announcement” that you submit to the radio stations.
- That “commercial announcement” should not be direct invitation to your religious events. Typically, your organization can get 40 seconds commercial time-slot during the sponsored program but even that 40 seconds need to be compliant to that regulations.
- The program can be typically some around 5 mins or 10 mins program but you can be “sponsor” of the program rather than you becoming the “director” of the program.
Regarding the CM, you can take very popular workaround solution like promote your educational events taking place at your venue so that the audience might be interested to come to learn more about your organizations.
For the content of the program, ORANGE FOX would work with the publisher or station’s production team to create the program that reaches the maximum audience so that your message can be delivered to the very broad audience.
Reach Your Audience of the Program
The publisher or the radio stations can not share any PII (person-identifiable-information) with your organization due to the local regulations but still you can reach those audience by using the social media for example. Getting more audience on you social media channel is good idea provided that it is the channel that is owned by your organization.
Using Both of Awareness Media & Performance Media
The traditional media such as the radio can be useful when you want to improve the awareness of your organization. Once you get the broad audience by using that legacy media, it might be possible to get some direct responses (such as channel subscription, etc) by effectively using the internet advertising media. ORANGE FOX can help you handling both of those 2 media channels by leveraging substantial experience on the ground.